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  • Writer's pictureJulie Dancs

Exploring the Scientific Basis of Medical Intuition

Medical intuition is the process of using expanded perception to gain information and insight into another being's physical and energetic systems. While it's important to note that medical intuition is not a replacement for traditional medical diagnosis, it serves as a complementary approach. But is there any scientific support for this concept?

Let's delve into a study conducted by Wendie Colter and Paul J. Mills, titled "Assessing the Accuracy of Medical Intuition," which explores the subjectivity and effectiveness of trained medical intuitives.

Healthcare consultation between a woman and a female doctor.

The Concept of Medical Intuition:

Medical intuition involves harnessing one's intuitive abilities to gain insights into a person's physical and energetic well-being. It's about going beyond what the eyes can see and what traditional diagnostic tools can detect. The practitioner taps into their intuition to "scan" a person's body, identifying potential issues, imbalances, or areas that require attention.

The Study:

Wendie Colter and Paul J Mills conducted an exploratory study to assess the accuracy and acceptance of trained medical intuitives. In this study, 67 adult women and men served as participants. The sessions, lasting 30 or 60 minutes, were conducted by phone or video. Each participant began the session by providing their name. Notably, the medical intuitives refrained from engaging in any conversation with the participants, focusing solely on sharing the information they intuitively perceived during the scanning process.

Key Findings:

The results of this study were striking. Trained medical intuitives displayed a remarkable level of accuracy:

  • 94% accuracy rate in locating and evaluating the participant's primary physical issue.

  • 100% accuracy in identifying a secondary physical issue (acknowledged by 86% of participants).

  • 98% accuracy in describing the participant's life events.

  • 93% accuracy in connecting these life events with health issues.

Implications and Conclusions:

These initial findings suggest that trained medical intuitives have strong subjectively reported accuracy rates when it comes to identifying primary and secondary health issues. Furthermore, participants evaluated their services positively in the context of their health concerns. While this study is exploratory and subjective in nature, it highlights the potential benefits of integrating medical intuition with conventional healthcare practices.

Scientific Support for Intuition:

This study contributes to a growing body of research exploring the scientific aspects of intuition and its role in healthcare. While it's essential to consider the subjective nature of the study, the findings suggest that there might be more to human intuition than meets the eye. As science continues to evolve, exploring the connections between intuition and healthcare could lead to exciting developments.

Are you ready to give it a try?

If you're curious about how medical intuition might complement your healthcare journey or if you're interested in experiencing a medical intuition session, don't hesitate to take the next step! Click this link to start a conversation about what this holistic approach can offer you.


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